6 Food Myths You Should Stop Believing Right Now - Tassyam Organics

6 Food Myths You Should Stop Believing Right Now

According to britannica.com, a myth is defined as a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin, at least partly traditional and especially associated with religious belief. While every mythological story sounds interesting and keeps us in awe, they may or may not be true.

And myths around our favourite thing, food, is definitely something we don't indulge in. So, here is our attempt at busting some famous myths that we have been hearing since childhood.

1. Consuming meat is the only source of adequate protein

A very common misbelief is that chicken, sea food and other kinds of meat are the only source of adequate proteins. Nuts, seeds, all kinds of legumes and wholegrains are also good sources of proteins if you are someone who eats only plant-based diet. In addition, soy beans, amaranth and quinoa are high in amino acids, which constitute an important part of proteins.

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According to a research by Harvard University, eating more plant-based proteins offer you more protection against chronic diseases like diabetes and heart problems. Plant based proteins also have added benefits of fibre, low amounts of saturated fats, vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc.

2. Carbs after 5pm is a big NO-NO

A lot of people tend to not consume food, especially a diet rich in carbohydrates after 5pm or at max after 7pm. While this might work for some people, there is no full-proof research yet to support this theory. This might also turn dangerous for people who have diabetes and take insulin or other blood glucose lowering medicines.

If you are trying to cut on your calories or reduce weight, then you can opt eating a balanced diet with fibre and high-quality carbs in less amounts. Don't skip carbs altogether because that will make you snack on something after dinner and all your efforts to lose calories will go in vain.

3. All fats are bad fats

Another myth about food is related to all fats being unhealthy for you. Fats are of four kinds-monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, saturated fats and trans fats.

The healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) are liquid at room temperature like vegetable oil while the unhealthy ones (saturated and trans fats) are usually solid at room temperature like butter.

Healthy fats are essential for our body, protecting us from chronic diseases and are easily found in nuts (like walnuts), seeds (flax seeds, chia seeds, linseeds), olives, olive oil and avocados.

4. Frozen fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than fresh ones

It is a misconception that frozen fruits have lesser nutritional value than fresh ones. This is absolutely untrue as long as you eat good amount of fruits and vegetables, be it fresh or frozen. Although very few nutrients get inactivated when fruits/vegetables are frozen but that lost amount is replenished if you eat fruits and veggies in large quantity.

5. Healthy foods are bland and boring

You have not tasted good, healthy food if you think healthy foods are supposed to be bland, tasteless and boring. Begin with basic, easily available and good quality fruits, vegetables and ingredients to make smoothies, salads and soups and flavour them according to your preferences.

6. Stay away from sugar if you have Diabetes

Every food has different level and type of sugar in it and works differently on our blood sugar level. Staying away from all types of sugar if you have diabetes might be your biggest mistake. Although nutritionally devoid, sugar has high amount of carbohydrates that play a vital role in blood sugar management. You can try monitoring your blood sugar level even after consuming fruits and vegetables.

We hope now you are aware of some of the common food myths we hear almost everyday and whether they are true or not.

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