While we all turn to makeup and cosmetic procedures to look the best, we often tend to neglect what goes inside our bodies. It is for the same reason that traditional medicine tells us “ You Are What You Eat”. For clear skin and luscious locks, you need to take care of what you eat too.
Here’s what you should include in your diet for good looking skin and hair:
1. Walnuts Walnuts contain essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acid and Vitamin E that is good for the skin. They help your skin stay smooth and plump. Walnuts also protect your hair from the sun’s wrath, keeping it lustrous and silky. Get your daily dose of good skin and hair by eating a handful of walnuts or toss them into salads, pasta or dessert.

2. Almonds Almonds contain flavonoids and Vitamin E which fight free radicals and ward off oxidative damage caused by toxins. Also, the manganese and selenium content helps to keep your hair healthy. They contain loads of protein vital for growing new hair and keeping the volume of your hair intact.

3. Flaxseeds
Again rich in omega fatty acids, flaxseeds are beyond good for you. Studies have proven that both omega-6 and omega- 3 fatty acids help prevent or treat skin conditions like acne and eczema. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s can also maintain a healthy rate of skin cell renewal. To ensure your body absorbs all its beauty-boosting benefits, eat flaxseeds in its roasted form or ground form added in flours, gravies or soups. Besides, flaxseeds are also healthy for hair and flaxseed oil, when applied to hair helps prevent breakage and frizz for optimal growth.

4. Berries
Berries like cranberries and goji berries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that prevent premature aging. It minimizes the damage of free radicals which tend to accelerate wrinkles in the skin. Additionally, berries also contain Vitamin C or ascorbic acid that is vital for the production of collagen, a protein that keeps your skin smooth and supple. Eat them by the handful or add them to your cereals, smoothies, and desserts.

5. Pumpkin Seeds
Pepitas or pumpkin seeds are packed with zinc, Vitamins A and K and omega-3 fatty acid. All of these nutrients are essential for building a healthy hair shaft. They also aid to produce sebum or your skin’s natural oil that works to protect and repair your skin.

6. Oats
For the good of your hair, you need to have more oats. They have high amounts of zinc, biotin, magnesium, and potassium. A deficiency of any of these nutrients results in brittle hair and hence more breakage. So have your oatmeal for breakfast loaded with fresh fruits, nuts, and berries. Besides, they are also good for your skin by soaking up the excess oil on your skin and preventing acne. They also contain compounds called saponins, which are natural cleansers that remove the dirt and oil that clog the pores and exfoliate the skin.